Thursday, March 20, 2014


As someone who really loves feel-good, sports movies, I loved the movie Miracle.  A lot of the movies we watch in this class make me feel more disappointed in Americans, but this movie made me feel really proud to be a part of such an amazing country.  I think Kurt Russell played an amazing role as Herb, the coach of the USA hockey team.  He was able to put together a group of boys, some of which who weren't so fond of each other, and turn them into an amazing, gold winning, team.  I also really enjoyed learning about some of the other hockey players in the movie and how it touched on some emotional things.  For example, how Herb was the last one cut from the USA hockey team, but he finally got the gold medal he had wanted for so long.  Overall, I really loved the film!  I enjoyed rooting for the USA team during the movie and it made me feel very proud of our country once they won the gold medal.  I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys watching feel-good movies!

The "Miracle on Ice" is about a team of U.S. hockey players who were chosen to be a part of the USA hockey team for the 1980 Olympics.  Their highest goal was to defeat the Soviet Union, a team that was known to be the best as all of the players had played together for years.  During this time period, the U.S. was in the midst of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, which heightened the level of competition.  Also, the Watergate scandal just happened, there was a high unemployment level, there was high inflation, the energy crisis, and 52 Americans were being held hostage in Iran.  So Americans were going through a rough time period, but this miracle of a victory gave Americans something to celebrate and be proud of.  During my lifetime, I cannot think of an event that had quite the same effect on America as a whole.  I feel as if there have been terrible things that have happened, such as 9/11 and the more recent school shootings, that have caused the country to take a step back and try to make this a better and more safe country to live in.  But I cannot think of an event that made all of America celebrate.

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