Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Introduction

Hello, my name is Samantha, but people usually call me Sam.  A word that best describes me is caring because my friends and family play a huge role in my life and I typically put others before myself.  I play tennis both on Orange's team and with my family who are avid tennis players.  I also enjoy being with my friends, trying new things, and watching TV shows and movies.  My goals include going to college, making new friends, finding a career, eventually having a family, being the happiest I can be, and living life to the fullest.  Although school can be stressful, I enjoy being around my friends and learning new things.  My favorite classes so far have included creative writing, government, US history, psychology, and sociology.  What I dislike about school is the amount of stress put on students to perform perfectly.  I enjoy learning, but I dislike taking tests.  I feel like students would enjoy school more if they simply were able to enjoy the aspects of learning without the stress of being graded on tests that cover large amounts of information.  Rather, we should be able to show what we have learned more creatively through projects and papers.  I also think it's unhealthy how early we have to wake up and the amount of homework that we are given, which eats up our out-of-school time.  I think school takes away our childhood as it's the center of our lives.  As I do think it's important to learn, it's also important to enjoy life.  My favorite teacher has several qualities that make school more enjoyable.  He has the class discuss topics that are both thought-provoking and relatable.  His style is more laid back as he strays away from typical teaching methods and allows his students to learn through more interesting outlets.  Aside from the curriculum, he also teaches his students about things currently going on in the world and pop culture both new and old.  I have always had a strong interest in history, especially US history.  I love learning about historical events and interesting facts.  I think it's important to be educated on the country/world you live in.

I have mixed feelings towards humanity.  Part of me is extremely proud of all of the accomplishments that have been made and how diversity is becoming more accepted.  On the other hand, I'm extremely disappointed in the way humanity has treated people who are diverse.  On a more personal level, I have created the Young Feminists Club at school and have been involved in events promoting feminism outside of school.  Being a female, gender equality is really important to me and today inequality still persists.  I'm proud of how much more accepting humanity has been with diversity but disappointed with humanity for not being completely accepting.

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