Friday, May 2, 2014

The Hurt Locker

I really liked watching The Hurt Locker.  I actually really enjoy watching movies like this that are intense and bring out a lot of emotions.  I liked how this movie wasn't just a typical war movie with constant killing, but instead was one that focused on a single person and their story of helping others.  I could never imagine being on the bomb squad and constantly putting myself in life-threatening situations.  I really didn't like how they killed Mark Wahlberg off in the first few minutes!  But by starting off the movie like that, it shows how someone can be alive and healthy one minute, and dead the next, through this job on the bomb squad.  I thought the actors all did an incredible job.  One part of the movie that was really sad and disturbing was when the main character found that little boy dead with a bomb inside of him.  I wish they would have elaborated on their relationship a little more, but it was very tragic.  Also, it's sad that he couldn't really function in the real world, like when he went back to his family.  It just shows how dedicated he is to his job. I think "the hurt locker" is where they're stationed.  They do risky things and they're bound to get hurt whether if it's physically or emotionally.  So wherever they're stationed during the war, it's the hurt locker because they're stuck inside of it and are bound to get hurt in one way or another.

Captain Phillips

I really loved Captain Phillips.  I thought it was an amazing action film that wasn't like your typical action film. The hero was an ordinary man and it was a very realistic situation.  I was definitely on the edge of my seat the entire movie.  Tom Hanks, as usual, did an amazing job.  Also, I thought it was incredible how spot on the actors were that played the Somalian pirates.  I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone because it's a really interesting topic, it's very realistic, it's filled with action, and it's just an overall amazing story.  I would honestly watch it again and again.